Calvin Burnett, affectionately known as Cal, is an African-American novelist, publisher, screenwriter and motivational speaker from Oakland, California. Cal was raised in a single parent home on the east side of Oakland, California and at an early age strayed down a negative path of violence, drug dealing, and substance abuse. He would spend over ten years (14-25) of his life running the streets, going back and forth to jail, and causing havoc throughout his community.
After the birth of his daughter Summer, Cal realized the life he was living would be detrimental to her livelihood and made a conscious effort to find his purpose. That purpose turned out to be the art form of writing. Weaving together captivating tales of struggle, redemption, and triumph became therapeutic. His bold, unique writing style is a reflection of his upbringing, wisdom, and real life experiences. What many consider a gift or talent, Cal passionately sees as a release of emotion in an authentic, unapologetic way.
Cal's ultimate goal is to reach back to those still trapped in the matrix and offer his testimony as proof that anyone who commits to change can be delivered from what appears to be an unbreakable cycle. He has partnered with a number of outreach programs and nonprofit organizations sharing his knowledge, skills, and experiences with those in need. His proudest act of service came from developing a curriculum for a class he instructed called, The Fatherhood Circle Program. This class sponsored by the non-profit, Black Infant Health of San Francisco, taught absentee fathers skills and provided resources on how to reconnect with their children after hiatuses due to substance abuse, incarceration, inconsistent parenting, etc. Cal also led focus groups and conducted several workshops for incarcerated men and women in partnership with the CLEAN Program of Columbus, Ohio and W.O.R.T.H Center of Lima, Ohio.
Lectures & Motivational Speaking Engagements
APPA 49th Annual Training Institute, Indianapolis 2024

APPA 49th Annual Training Institute, Indianapolis 2024

2024 American Probation & Parole Assoc. Winter training

2024 Ohio Wardens & Superintendents Association Conf.

From the Brain to the Bookshelf Workshop | Episode I (30min)

So, I hear you want to write a book? If so, you’ve come to the “write” place. I’m C.W. Burnett, a 10x author and publisher from Oakland, California. My work spans from fiction, non- fiction, poetry, screenplays, articles and everything in between. The objective of this e-book is to take your bright ideas from your mind, all the way to the bookshelf.
But what if you had a cheat code?
What if you already knew:
Where to begin…
The details of each step…
How to defeat the dreaded writer’s block…
How to prevent creativity lapses…
Where to go for editing and typesetting
How to get distribution
You can publish your work in record time with the proven method
you’re about to learn. I personally used the techniques of this e-book
to produce ten projects that netted well over six- figures. My ultimate
goal is to turn you into a mean, making green, writing machine. With
that being said, let’s dive right in.

Gain Inspiration from this impactful testimony

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From the outside looking in, Deshaun Nelson is a 32-year-old black man, plagued with a drug addiction, bad attitude, lack of accountability, and extreme anger issues. His short fuse and narcissistic ways are red flags for anyone he encounters. But, beyond the surface, lies a much deeper problem. A problem that black men in America have hidden from for decades… mental illness.
Deshaun’s Road to Redemption is a powerful testament to the mental struggles of black, inner-city men throughout America. This story shines light on the unhealthy ways black men have been taught to internalize their emotions, resulting into lost souls looking for solutions in all the wrong places
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